What Client Said # Moneymint
Sunil Modi
Director of Keshav Securities.He has 30 years of experience in stock market.He knows a lot about technical analysis and has recommended to learn Gann system of trading.His daily profit and loss is upto 5to 6 lakh andsometime goes upto a crore too...must watch vedio.Following system since 6 years.
IITian Mr. Kumar
For a long time I wanted to crack the stock market puzzle, tried hard, concluded, getting a degree from IIT Delhi is easier than cracking stock market. I was advised to speak with Nilesh and learn trading from him. He has put his heart & soul to teach me all the knowledge that he has. I would recommend any beginner to attend Nilesh's Technical Analysis Course based on Price Action. He has vast experience in Trading & Technical analysis. He clears all your doubts. Do not miss a chance to get trained by Nilesh.
Govind Tidke
After retiring I was looking for source of revenue.After attending workshop on W D Gann Price action consistently i am able to make for my living.Course is very easy and practically i have applied for last 1 year.After support of the course is very good and by attending I am able to make 20-25 thousand every month.